Wednesday, May 18, 2005

And boom goes the dynamite...

T: Heard this on the radio today. Unbelievable. I'd give this a 10 out of 10 on the Unintentional Comedy Scale. Poor bastard...

Sunday, May 15, 2005


B: One month 'til we leave, biatches.

JT: Oh, that reminds me, I lost the tickets to Cleveland and Detroit. I wanted to tell you in person, but this way I don't get punched. I should be able to call the ticket office and get them emailed again. We also need to buy the Chicago tickets ($30 a piece, ouch) and the Royals tickets.

B: What do you mean, you "lost" the tickets?

JT: Well, I received the tickets via email. So everything gets archived after reaches a certain date. This is a new thing. I got worried that I...alledgedly...had a huge email archive of non-work related emails. So I saved them as text files and this got rid of the tickets. I printed off the order number, so it shouldn't be a problem. And yes, Troy, Chicago tickets are $30 bucks. I'm sure that you don't believe me, one of your best friends, as if its a secret ploy to get you to pay too much money, so go ahead and check. Rant over.

B: This is going to be a great trip. I can tell already.

T: I'm just glad I haven't paid him for my tickets yet...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Cleveland (part II)

B:I've mentioned this to you guys before, but I really want to make a detour through Brazil, Indiana when we're on the way to Cleveland. It's not far away from I-70. I want to get there and try to find someone who speaks Portuguese. I'm sure they get that all the time, though.

Also, because the Detroit game is in the afternoon, I don't think we'll have time to visit the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Too bad.

Useless trivia: Jimmy Hoffa is Brazilian. No, for real.