Saturday, June 25, 2005

Last thoughts

Bruno would like to thank the following: AAA; Cingular; Blogger, for the mobile blogging thing; Troy's grandpa, for sponsoring food and drinks in Minneapolis; Troy's (other) grandma, for giving us a place to sleep in Southern Minnesota; JT's radar detector, for saving us money in speeding tickets; The White Stripes and the Royal Orchid ("Best Thai Food in Town"); the Holiday Inn Express breakfast; Guster, for recording great driving music; Honorary Dibs Not Driver #4, for being our guide around Chicago, giving us a place to crash on our first night in town, being our key to free Bud Lights at the irish pub that night, laughing at Troy's jokes, trying to set up JT a week earlier, etc etc etc; and last but not least, the boys, for not letting me kill you and for not killing me either.

JT would like to thank the following: All the people mentioned above. Troy for his excellent backseat driving abilities and for stopping me from filling the car up with diesel. Yes, I do have a Mechanical Engineering degree, and no, I don’t deserve it. Bruno for his city driving “skills” and for giving us a courtesy window roll down (it’s sorta like a courtesy flush). I’d like to thank myself for being “really really really good looking.” I’d like to say “you’re welcome” to all the ladies in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and the Twin Cities. I know I couldn’t stay long, but it was good while it lasted. I’ll call, I swear. I’d like to thank Emily for answering a very important question late Saturday night as the boys were driving somewhere in Minnesota.


At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honorary Dibs Not Driver #4 should also be thanked for putting Dibs Not Drivers #1,2 & 3 in their places during a pop-a-shot match at the ESPN Zone

At 3:19 PM, Blogger JT said... do you delete comments, B?

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Bruno said...

Hehe... I won't tell.

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to be of service guys...

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was me, who was glad to be of service


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